martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Newspaper Contribution 1

Human Rights and Domestic Violence

Human rights have the way of defending the right of every citizen.
Francisco Ugalde accuses the company, so the leaders were stripping their economic rights.

When domestic violence occurs in homes; sometimes these people who have a high volume of alcohol assault their partners physically and psychologically; as a result they sometimes leave them in worse situations. The people that drive the wrong way do not meet their intimate conditions because they produce the remoteness and great disappointments strong showing to the total purpose of the relationship with the whole family. The rate of domestic violence is growing because the victims do not report to authorities. The aggressors their main cause psychological problems, so that history also records as a child (abuse).
Carla Ramirez who decided to sue the perpetrator (spouse) was a great example that many should follow and which will not regret their action.

3 comentarios:

  1. That is the worst... the most victims don't report their abusers..

  2. Human rights abuse is terrible in every point of view and worse when there is physical violence or verbal violence, every human being has the right to express themselves and act freeform, knowing that their actions bring consequences, so before to speak or do we need to think how will affect our neighbors.

  3. You are right! Alcohol is one of the problems that cause the abuse in home. Many people don’t want to report that, but I consider that each person have to find help if abused, to have a better quality of life. Costa Rica has many laws that protect human’s life for this reason is important to report this kind of aggression.
